Constant Issues
- Undersized (too narrow) ductwork reduces airflow
to some areas
- Some offices are further from the heating/cooling
source, reducing airflow
- Differing number of exterior walls (# outside
surfaces varies from 0 to 4)
- In large open work areas (e.g., cubefarms) some
areas do not receive sufficient airflow and stay too hot / cold / muggy
/ stuffy
Periodic Issues
- Doubling-up: offices with addl employees/computers/etc.
increases temperature & humidity
- Northern exposure (too cold in winter) or Southern exposure
(too hot in summer)
- Eastern exposure (too hot in mornings) or Western exposure
(too hot afternoons)
Randomly Timed Issues
- Conference Rooms & Show Rooms have varying numbers
of people
- Or addl visitors or electronics in work areas
- Sunny day vs. cloudy day changes window heating/cooling
- Closed interior door can greatly reduce airflow into
a room
- Opened exterior doors lets in outside air, and
requires more conditioned airflow